
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with some 164 million people living in an area two thirds the size of the United Kingdom or about the size of New York State. Less than one third of its population live in cities while the majority live in rural areas relying on a predominantly subsistence lifestyle. GDP per capita 2019 reached US$1,856 compared with a world average of US$11,442. Bangladesh has made significant progress in its rural electrification programs some 97% of the population having access to electricity (including renewable energy), however, there are problems with power quality and blackouts (particularly affecting rural communities).

  Bangladesh UK
Population 164m 67m
GDP/Capita $1,856 $42,330
Economic Growth 8.2% 1.5%
Access to electricity 97% 100%
Source: World Bank and UN Data 2019 – 2020, Bangladesh Government Economic Review report and Bangladesh Power Development Board Annual Report

Bangladesh is a country of enormous potential. It has the eighth largest work force in the world and is included in the “Next Eleven” countries that, after the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), were identified by Goldman Sachs as having the potential to become the world’s largest economies in the 21st century. It has enjoyed more than 6.5 – 8.2 % economic growth in real terms over the last five years as well as substantial improvements in measures of human development. For example, between 1990 and 2020 life expectancy has improved from 56 years to 72 years and literacy rates have improved from 35% to 74%.