Power Needs
Bangladesh power generation capacity has improved significantly over the last few years with 97% population reported to have access to electricity (including renewable energy). However, reliable and quality supply of electricity is yet to be achieved and people still experience blackouts, particularly in the rural areas. Industries also suffer from unreliable power supply and many still maintain expensive captive power of their own to ensure sooth running factory operations and to protect valuable equipment. Most significantly the shortfall in commercial energy and unreliable electrical power is a barrier to industrial expansion, particularly to the development of new industries.
Electricity generation is mostly dependent on Bangladesh's gas reserves, with over 50% of electricity generated using gas. However, the gas reserves are rapidly depleting and are in high demand for other uses such as fertiliser production. With no recent significant gas discoveries in Bangladesh and with Government anticipating demand for electricity to treble by 2041 to 60,000W, the Government is prioritising the diversification of its energy sources and this is where coal can play a very significant role.