What is GCM's ticker symbol?
The ticker symbol is 'GCM'.
Where can I find the current share price?
The share price can be viewed here or on the London Stock Exchange website using ticker code 'GCM'.
Where can I obtain a copy of the Company's Annual Report & Accounts?
The reports can be accessed via the Annual reports page on our website. Printed copies of the reports may be requested directly from GCM.
How can I keep updated on news about GCM ?
You can register on this website for electronic updates.
Are Asia Energy shares still valid?
Yes, share certificates held in the name of Asia Energy plc or Global Coal Management plc have automatically become shares of GCM Resources plc.
How can I buy or sell shares?
Investors normally use a stockbroker, bank or building society or a 'share shop' that offers a similar service. There are also many online websites that offer this service.
How can I have a change of address noted on the share register?
You should advise Link Group (contact details here) of a change of address.
How can I have a change of name noted on the register?
You should contact Link Group (see contact here) who will advise you of the process to be followed.
How can I transfer shares to another member of my family or any other person?
You should contact Link Group (see contact here) who will advise you of the process to be followed.
How can I replace my lost or missing certificate?
You should write to Link Group (see contact here), telling them that you have mislaid your certificate. They will advise you of the process you need to follow.
What happens if a shareholder dies?
Please advise Link Group (see contact here) in writing as soon as possible and they will explain the process you need to follow.